Hollywood texture haptics

There is hollywood physics. Along these lines, I came up with the following definition:

Hollywood Haptics: Immersive tactile experiences that add a touch of reality to stories and games, even if it is not always mathematically accurate.

The image above shows a 4x4 grid of 16 different kinds of textures. If you were able to feel these textures, the metallic looking textures would probably have a way different touch to it than the more sandy ones.

Extracting haptics

In order to quickly extract a haptic waveform from a 2D texture, I wrote a script that calculates a short haptic wave.

The script:

For example, the right upper texture would generate an haptic profile like

Whereas this texture would generate something a little softer:

Speed considerations

If you play this haptic waveform on a haptic device, you will need to consider the speed of your finger that is moving over the texture. Let's say that the waveform is generated with a 0.25 m/s speed in mind, moving your finger faster should increase the playback speed, similarly, a slower speed should decrease the playback speed.

Thought: Haptic mipmaps

Similar to graphic mipmaps, where a graphic mipmap is a series of progressively lower-resolution images used for efficient rendering at varying distances, haptic mipmaps have the potential to store various profiles, each with different resolutions, depending on the speed.

Source files

git clone https://robinkrens.nl/repo/haptic-extractor 

More info

Juicy Haptics


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